Alternatif Bank Mobil
Alternatif Bank A.Ş.

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Liability Insurances

Liability Insurances Alternatif Bank is here to assist you with the Liability Insurances you need!

Liability Insurances Alternatif Bank is here to assist you with the Liability Insurances you need!

Liability Insurances are insurance policies which ensure compensation to be paid to the insured for the potential damages which may occur to individuals or belongings.

3.Party Insurence

Party Insurance is an insurance policy which covers the legal liability on the part of the policy owner as per legislation provisions on legal liabilities and within specified limits in the event of death, injury of disablement of the third parties or in the event of losses and damages to third party goods as a result of negligence by the policy owner.

Additional Coverage

  • Non-Pecuniary Damages
  • Food Poisoning
  • Accidental Environmental Pollution
  • Elevator Liability
  • Garage Liability

Employer’s Liability Insurance

Subsequent to the legal liability encumbered with the employer, the insurance company covers the compensation to be claimed by employees bound to the employer under an employment contract and subject to SSI or other relevant beneficiaries from the employer higher than and apart from SSI benefits, and damages to be paid by the insurance company to the employer in work accident cases within the coverage limits in the policy.

Professional Liability Insurance

This insurance covers the potential compensation claims which may result from the material or personal damages, defects, errors or negligence incurred to third parties during the business activities carried out by public accountants, engineers, architects and attorneys etc.

Product Liability Insurance

Product Liability Insurance is an insurance policy which covers the compensation claims related to personal and material damages arising due to the sale of defective products or services.

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Other Insurance Products

You can find all of our Insurance solutions you need through the links below.

Comprehensive Fleet Insurance

Secure the vehicles in your fleet with Comprehensive Fleet Insurance!

Engineering Insurances

Protect your equipments and vehicles with Engineering Insurances!

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