Alternatif Bank Mobil
Alternatif Bank A.Ş.

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Compulsory Traffic Insurance

Hit the road safe with Alternatif Bank’s Compulsory Traffic Insurance!

Take out a Compulsory Traffic Insurance policy with Alternatif Bank’s diverse coverage options!

Traffic Insurance, which is compulsory pursuant to Highway Traffic Law No. 2918, is an insurance product which covers the damages caused by your vehicle to other vehicles and third persons in a potential accident.

With different coverage limits depending on the type of vehicle, Compulsory Traffic Insurance covers the compensation claims arising from a person’s death or injury caused by your car within the borders of the country registered in the policy as per Highway and Traffic Law provisions and insurance limits.

Frequently Asked Questions About Compulsory Traffic Insurance

Here you may find frequently asked questions about Compulsory Traffic Insurance:

Who can benefit from Compulsory Traffic Insurance?

Anyone over 18 years of age with a driving license can benefit from Compulsory Traffic Insurance.

What are the advantages of Compulsory Traffic Insurance?

By taking out a Compulsory Traffic Insurance policy, you secure your car against potential losses and damages to other cars. Your coverage also includes the claims for the material and physical damages which may be incurred to 3rd persons in traffic accidents.

What is the validity period for Compulsory Traffic Insurance?

Traffic Insurance is valid for 1 year and compulsory. Your policy is delivered to you instantly at the Alternatif Bank Branch where you make your application, and your risks are secured.

How are the coverage limits established for Compulsory Traffic Insurance? What are the payment conditions?

Coverage limits vary depending on the type, damage records or registered city of your vehicle. You can pay down the total Compulsory Traffic Insurance amount or pay in instalments with your credit card.

Other Compulsory Insurance

Alternatif Bank has insurance options for every need:

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