Alternatif Bank Mobil
Alternatif Bank A.Ş.

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Comprehensive Insurance

With Alternatif Bank Comprehensive Insurance, both you and your car are safe against many risks in traffic!

Do not hit the road without your Comprehensive Insurance!

Comprehensive Insurance is an insurance product that guarantees your car against risks such as traffic accidents, theft and car breakdowns, protecting you, your passengers and belongings in the car and the other car and their passengers, as well.

Frequently Asked Questions About Comprehensive Insurance

Here are frequently asked questions about Comprehensive Insurance:

How can I apply for Comprehensive Insurance?

You can make your Comprehensive Insurance application via Alternatif Bank Branches or You can sent an email to for detailed information

You can visit your nearest Alternatif Bank Branches

How can I make my Comprehensive Insurance Payments?

You can make your Comprehensive Insurance payments with your Alternatif Bank or other bank credit cards or by placing a standing order from your account at our Bank. If you wish, you can easily make your payments in instalments using your credit card without pushing your budget.

How can I learn the comprehensive insurance value of my car?

You can learn the comprehensive insurance value of your car at

Other Personal Elementary Insurance

Alternatif Bank has insurance options for every need:

Home Insurance

Do not ever worry about your home with Alternatif Bank Home Insurance!

Travel Insurance

All your business, educational or recreational travels are safe with Travel Insurance!

Private Health Insurance

Secure your health with Private Health Insurance!


Alternatif Bank Mobile Has Been Renewed!

You can download the renewed Alternatif Bank Mobile to your device via the App Store, Google Play Store and Huawei App Gallery.

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Alternatif Bank Mobile App
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You can download the Alternatif Bank Mobile application right away by scanning the QR code.

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