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Alternatif Bank A.Ş.

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Press Releases and Announcements

Alternatif Bank Combines Digital Banking with Human Touch and Breaks New Grounds for Customer Experience

25 August 2023

Alternatif Bank assigns a portfolio manager for every user that becomes a client remotely via “Digital Branch” deployed by the Bank, and offers them the opportunity to consult a real bank employee whenever they need. 

Alternatif Bank, expanding its activities by integrating convenience and speed, which are among the top necessities of the digital age, into its own services, breaks new grounds for customer experience with the “Digital Branch” application that it recently deployed. The Bank, combining digital banking services with human touch under its motto ‘Digital Banking with People’ assigns a portfolio manager for every user that becomes a client remotely via Digital Branch and offers them the opportunity to contact the portfolio manager directly whenever they need with regard to banking products and services.

Thanks to the new application, clients can now reach portfolio managers assigned to them with a single click from Alternatif Bank Mobile application and get recommendations for their investments and financial needs, and get information about solutions to problems that they experience. Clients can view details of portfolio managers assigned specifically to tem and contact the portfolio manager with a single click on Alternatif Bank Mobile application. 

Alternatif Bank Retail and Digital Banking EVP Gökay Dede, making remarks about the ‘Digital Branch’ that they deployed, stated “We are working relentlessly to offer a unique customer experience with our technology investments and digital solutions that facilitate banking applications. As we always indicate, we address retail and digital banking as a single complementary structure and strive toward becoming the best brand in blending digital with human touch as Alternatif Bank. As all products and processes are digitalized and speed and convenience becomes prominent in banking in the present day, we are aware that the element of trust is still a major necessity for customers. No matter how well our digital experience offering is, it is still a very important experience for our clients to get in touch with a human, more importantly, a real bank employee and know that their bank is with them in the time of need… With this understanding that also overlaps with the ‘Consultant Banking’ approach of Alternatif Bank, we now assign ‘Portfolio Managers’ to our clients, which we acquire through video call. We carry over many of the services, offered in person through physical branches in conventional banking, to digital channels thanks to the Digital Branch that we deployed and, thus, we increase the benefits such as expertise, convenience, speed, and range of services that we provide to our clients. The key point that gives an edge to us, Alternatif Bank, in competition is that we assign portfolio managers, who are ‘real bank employees’, to every client that we acquire remotely so that they can get in touch directly, receive services, and consult just like in physical branches. Thanks to this application, Alternatif Bank clients will have a better experience by combining speed and convenience of digital channels with the expertise of our portfolio managers. Our clients will be able consult their portfolio managers, from whom that can get direct information about banking services, who can make recommendations for their savings or financing needs, or who can offer solutions to problems that they experience, during business hours; while they will continue receiving services from our Customer Communication Center outside business hours.”  

“Never forgetting that our focus is the expectations of our clients, we develop all of our projects in that vein”

Gökay Dede, emphasizing that their biggest support in adoption of such innovations as the Bank was their clients, expressed “Our studies to improve the experience on our digital channels and increase our range of transactions are ongoing in consideration of recommendations and requests received from 9 separate channels that we established to hear from our clients, never forgetting that our focus is the expectations of our clients, we develop all of our projects in that vein. As the closest example to this approach, we made the pilot version of our new mobile application, which we will soon introduce to our clients and throughout Turkey, available for our clients to use and experience. We maintain our application development studies with the feedback and recommendations from our clients, who have been actively using our Bank for a long time. We are thrilled to provide our clients soon with brand-new value propositions in digital banking with our new mobile application. We will continue to add value to the lives of our clients with the effort to offer what is new and different at all times.”

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