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Alternatif Bank A.Ş.

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Press Releases and Announcements

Alternatif Bank Continues to Improve Effortless Digital Banking Experience

20 September 2023

Thanks to the digital integration that it undertook, Alternatif Bank has become one of the pioneer banks enabling performance of security transactions through digital channels. The Bank provides its customers with the opportunity to receive passwords, unblock SIM cards and register devices in 3 minutes through digital channels without needing to visit a branch 

While developments in the field of digital banking make life easier for users day by day, new service channels and products escalate banking experience to a new level. Alternatif Bank, improving its digital channels for the comfort of its customers and aiming to offer effortless customer experience, enabled its customers to perform their security procedures in 3 minutes without needing to visit a branch by means of NFC technology along with identity verification and video call thanks to its recent digital integration. Alternatif Bank customers can easily and quickly perform “Password Unblocking”, “Forgotten Password”, “SIM Card Unblocking”, “De-Registering Devices”, and “First-Time Password” procedures, which used to require a branch visit and which took 1 day to get resolved in some cases, via mobile application of the Bank without wasting any time.

Alternatif Bank Retail and Digital Banking EVP Gökay Dede indicating they are one of the pioneering banks that uses digital channels and video call procedure effectively, and they have improved their relevant services further, makes the following remarks with regard to the speed and easy that they offer to their customers in password procedures; “Digitalization in banking, which used to be an innovation in the past, has become the standard for today. At this point, we are acting with ‘retail banking equals digital banking’ approach as Alternatif Bank, and we are working toward expanding services that we will provide to our customers and offering our customers a unique experience. In our studies, we observed that our customers had two main expectations, i.e. “not having to visit branches”  and “being able to quickly contact a real customer representative”, in security-related processes. Therefore, we digitalized our password processes last year with the aim of offering critical processes related to account security by means of video call instead of a self-service flow and a method that blends digital with human touch ideally. With this digital integration, we enabled our customers to perform relevant procedures practically and without losing time. Our customers, who are able to perform forgotten password and unblocking procedures through digital banking, are also able to obtain password for the first time, unblock SIM cards, and de-register devices quickly and effortlessly in a short time, i.e. 3 minutes, by contacting our customer representative through video call. We are delighted to be one of the pioneering banks that offer this solution and similar solutions for the first time in the sector. We will continue to expand our operations and increase our digital integrations to continuously improve the experience of our customers in our digital channels and our service quality in the future.”

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