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Press Releases and Announcements

Alternatif Bank Continues to Offer Convenience to its Employees with “Alternatif Yaz” Practice

21 June 2023

Alternatif Bank, conducting all of its operations based on a “people oriented” approach, continues to adopt a series of innovative practices to offer happier, more peaceful, and efficient work environments to its employees. In this context, Alternatif Bank offers the head office teams, who are still working under hybrid system, with the opportunity to work outside the office for 4 weeks in summer months thanks to the “Alternatif Yaz” practice, which was launched last year for the first time. Thanks to this opportunity, in contradistinction to similar models, Alternatif Bank employees can use their remote work duration as a whole instead of fragmented periods and enjoy a balanced work-social life rhythm with the favorable benefits offered by the bank. In addition, Alternatif Yaz practice is not limited to Istanbul only; all employees across Turkey, wherever they are, can take advantage of this practice.

Human Resources EVP Hale Ökmen Ataklı, indicating that they offered convenience to their employees with the new generation work model AlterFlex, which offers both remote work and flexible work together, stated “Hybrid work model, which came into our lives with the pandemic, became permanent in many sectors and resonated quite well with employees. As remote working or working at home was a model that was not previously experienced on a large scale, it brought along certain reservations in terms of employee efficiency at the outset. However, currently, as remote working system is transformed into a structure that is correctly designed and managed, we observe that it adds value to both employees and institutions in terms of efficiency and performance. As Alternatif Bank, we decided to make remote working model, which turned out to be quite efficient during the pandemic, permanent to support our employees in maintaining their work and life balances, and we adopted the flexible working model that we called AlterFlex. Our primary aim with this model was always to support our employees in maintaining their work and life balances. Our employees worked remotely for two days per week within the scope of AlterFlex, while they have flexibility in their work hours under our new model. All of our head office employees are able to determine their work hours themselves, based on their needs at times outside our core hours. We implement AlterFlex in a manner that it covers all of our employees by planning annual additional administrative leaves for our work groups that cannot be matched with remote working or flexible working model. We adopted ‘Alternatif Yaz’ practice last summer and we are offering our head office employees the opportunity to work remotely for 4 weeks without interruption during their month of choice in the summer. We believe that this practice, which will increase motivation and satisfaction of our employees, will reflect positively upon internal and external client satisfaction in line with the satisfied employee - satisfied client approach, and we see the outcomes eminently in our evaluations. We are glad to be the pioneer bank that implemented such an inclusive work model in our sector.” 

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