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Alternatif Bank A.Ş.

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Press Releases and Announcements

Alternatif Bank Provided TRY 60.3 Billion Support to the Economy in 2023

06 February 2024

Alternatif Bank announced its financial results for 2023. According to consolidated figures, the Bank, having displayed a solid performance, had TRY 68.1 billion in assets and provided TRY 60.3 billion support with cash and non-cash loans to the local economy. Consolidated net profit of Alternatif Bank, having increased its deposit volume to TRY 24.9 billion, increased year-on-year by 81,5% to TRY 1.94 billion as of the year-end.

According to the consolidated figures belonging to 2023, total asset size of Alternatif Bank reached TRY 68.1 billion. The support, provided by the Bank to the local economy with cash (including leasing receivables) and non-cash loans as of year-end 2023, was TRY 60.3 billion. Alternatif Bank, having increased its deposit volume to TRY 24.9 billion, continued to preserve its asset quality besides the improvement in its balance sheet. Equity size of the Bank increased to TRY 6.1 billion as of year-end 2023, while capital adequacy ratio was 29,2% in this period. Consolidated net profit for the period of Alternatif Bank, having displayed a successful performance throughout 2023, realized as TRY 1.94 billion by 81,5% year-on-year increase. 

“We are gaining strength and advancing toward the future with our Customer Oriented Banking approach”

CEO Ozan Kırmızı commented on year-end 2023 financial results of the Bank and stated “As Alternatif Bank, we left behind 2023, shaped by challenging conditions such as geopolitical tensions on a global scale and the major earthquake disaster that we experienced in our country, with successful financial results in line with our goals. These results prove once again that long-term development, efficiency, and growth strategies of our Bank are robust and we are advancing toward our goals with firm steps.”

Ozan Kırmızı, mentioned the importance of hard efforts of the Bank in the field of digitalization, in addition to strong corporate management standards, in successful results achieved by Alternatif Bank, continued his statement: “2023 has been a year when we worked tirelessly to offer an effortless customer experience with our technological investments and digital solutions that facilitate banking applications, and we took significant steps in this area. We will continue our digital transformation studies without interruption in both retail and corporate banking in 2024. We will continue to reinforce the strong position of Alternatif Bank, which it maintained for more than 30 years in Corporate and Commercial banking, more efficiently by supporting it with the customer base expanding through digital channels in Retail banking.” 

Ozan Kırmızı, emphasizing that the main focus was on customer expectations in Alternatif Bank, expressed that they developed all projects accordingly and stated, “We consider one of our primary goals to be creation of value by products and processes, which we design by listening to our customers and based on their expectations and needs, for all of our users. We will see reflections of studies, which we conducted in 2023 in terms of effortless banking with a customer oriented approach, to business results more clearly in 2024. We are advancing toward the future by getting stronger thanks to the expertise of Alternatif Bank personnel, strength of our shareholder The Commercial Bank, and constant support of our Board of Directors. 

“We will continue our industry leading practices and operations in the field of Accessible Banking”

CEO Ozan Kırmızı expressed that, in addition to successful financial results, they carried out projects contribution to financial inclusion and accessibility and stated: “We expanded the impact area of our Accessible Banking studies, which we have been maintaining for 5 years with an approach ‘based on rights’, in 2023 with new projects and cooperations. Last year, the process that started upon adoption of our “Accessible Banking Terms Glossary” by IFC and its subsidiary EFSE as an important project in terms of financial inclusion became a valuable cooperation. We are aiming to enrich our glossary project, which is a first in Turkey and the banking sector and under which we have reached more than 100 terms so far, in the upcoming period and transform it into an open source available for utilization by everyone, particularly the deaf. On the other hand, thanks to the cooperation that we launched with Robotel Association following the major earthquake disaster at the beginning of 2023, we started to support children that lost limbs and their families with innovative and efficient solutions of Robotel. We will not confine ourselves to being an institution that just implements rules in the field of Accessible Baking; we will continue to adopt pioneering practices and operations in our sector.”

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