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IFC recognises Alternatif Bank as the “Best Operations Bank"

05 January 2022

Thanks to an outstanding trade finance performance, Alternatif Bank is once again named the “Best Operations Bank in Europe, Central Asia and Türkiye” in IFC’s 10th Annual Trade Awards.

Alternatif Bank received a major award for the second year in a row in recognition of its success and operational excellence in global trade as part of IFC’s (International Finance Corporation) Global Trade Finance Program. A partner of IFC’s program since 2011, the Bank was once again recognised as the “Best Operations Bank in Europe, Central Asia and Türkiye” in its 10th ‘Annual Trade Awards.’ Having successfully increased its facilitation limits over the years, Alternatif Bank continues to deliver robust trade finance to its customers in partnership with IFC’s Global Trade Finance Program, and the Bank once again qualified for the award by virtue of its exceptional business quality and speed. 

On the Bank’s recent recognition, Alternatif Bank CEO Kaan Gür commented: “We are very pleased and honoured to have received this respectable award two years in a row from such a prestigious corporation as IFC. Alternatif Bank has maintained strong relations and partnerships with the world’s most prominent international institutions over the years, which we believe is a crucial sign of the trust bestowed upon our Bank and our achievements in trade finance. As a continued partner of IFC’s Global Trade Finance Program since 2011, we have supported the transactions of our exporters through our ever-increasing facilitation limits. The recognition of our success and operational excellence keeps driving us to raise the bar even higher every year. At Alternatif Bank, we, along with our expert people, continue to keep an eye on and create value for international trade and, in particular, exports. In the last two years, our financials indicated substantial growth in trade finance, which has now reached approximately USD 4 billion. At the heart of this growth lies the high-quality trade finance services delivered by our highly qualified banking teams. Knowing the crucial role that exports play in the sustainable growth of Türkiye’s economy, we are striving to provide the best support for our customers in international trade. We, Alternatif Bank, will always be there for our exporters with our advisory and insightful banking approach.”

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